A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 2157

Chapter 2157


Edwin clenched his fists, struggling with the emotions inside him.

Laura didn’t say goodbye to him. She slowly walked into the apartment building and disappeared in front of him.

Edwin stood there, enveloped by the dark night.

He lit another cigarette by the roadside and smoked it slowly. He wanted to ensure her safety, even though they were parting ways.

That was all he needed to do.

After Edwin smoked half a pack of cigarettes, a black Land Rover sped toward him and halted at the apartment gate.

A tall figure stepped out of the car.

Edwin recognized the man’s face.

It was Dylan Wright, Laura’s agent.

Dylan was around thirty years old. He was a seasoned industry professional with a fiery temperament.

He knew Edwin’s identity and kicked the car door shut with force before glaring at him. However, he chose not to engage in a confrontation and walked upstairs.

Edwin suspected that Dylan had come to visit Laura.

His heart felt conflicted, as if his own territory had been invaded.


Edwin chuckled at himself.

He and Laura had parted ways, and they would both move on and find new partners. There was no reason for him to feel this way.

The sky bore a faint white hue, and the rain had ceased its relentless downpour.

A faint sound emanated from the entrance, drawing Edwin’s attention.

With Dylan’s assistance, Laura emerged, her fragile form wrapped in Dylan’s denim coat, lending her an almost ethereal fragility.

Dylan clutched a modest duffel bag in his grip.

The trio shared an awkward gaze, the atmosphere charged with unspoken tension.

Laura’s eyes remained fixed on Edwin, her silence speaking volumes.

At last, Dylan swung open the car door, offering Laura his support as she entered obediently.

As the car door clicked shut, Dylan turned his attention to Edwin.

A striking figure, Dylan exuded an aura of primal confidence, not one to be trifled with.

